Services (call or write for details or to set up an appointment: [email protected], (516) 661-9768)
- Psychotherapy for individuals (adolescents and adults), Couples Counseling, Imago Relationship Therapy, Family therapy, and Family therapy to address children’s problems.
- Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Fearfulness, OCD, Eating Disorders, Bereavement, Gender Identity, LGBTQ, Non-Binary, Work Related Difficulties, Personal Growth Issues.
- Time limited psychodynamic psychotherapy.
- Psychotherapy with therapists interested in learning the therapy approach of the new self-psychology.
- Self-Development coaching to help people reach their full potential.
- Leading workshops sponsored by the International Institute for Self-Development and training other professionals to lead those workshops. (Click here to see a list of workshops being given.)
In psychotherapy for individuals I use a mult-modal approach tailored to an individual’s needs. This includes psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, strategic task based therapy, guided visualization, and family systems conceptualization.
Time limited psychodynamic psychotherapy seeks to identify and resolve a person’s “issues”. An issue is a mental/emotional state made up of distorted beliefs which create havoc for a person. Issues usually begin in childhood. An example of an issue is: “My parents got a divorce which was very painful for me. I fear I will get a divorce, so I refuse to get married.”
Marital and relationship assessments seek to identify deep seated repetitive patterns that cause endless vicious circles of conflict and unhappiness. Once these are clarified an approach can be designed and put into practice to alleviate the causes of the pattern and free a couple to find the satisfaction that they desire.
The new self-psychology is innovative. It starts by consolidating and integrating the timeless insights of psychology—our current knowledge. It expands upon those ideas and provides innovative ideas that provide new insights and approaches to solving human problems through psychotherapy.
For psychotherapists: Through a course of his or her own psychotherapy a therapist can understand what the new self-psychology is and how to practice the psychotherapy that applies it.